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Shackled Lily Page 30

  I stared at the ring, unable to find the words. Grant took it out of the box and slipped it on my finger. “Say yes,” he whispered as he put his forehead to mine.

  What else could I say? He had stolen my heart and I never wanted it back. “Yes.”

  I watched Grant close his eyes and finally breathe again before bringing me in for a kiss so tender and intimate that my knees would have buckled if Grant hadn’t had me cradled in his arms.

  “Grant?” I whispered as he kissed me, his lips trailing down my neck.

  “Yes baby?” he answered, never stopping the fire he was sending down my body.

  “I know this seems crazy since I’ve never wanted to wait before, but I kind of feel like we’ve been given a second chance, and I want to do things right.” My voiced trailed off as he kissed me, my resolution already starting to wane.

  Grant took my face in his hands and stared lovingly in my eyes. “Sweetheart, I’d wait for you forever.”

  I grinned at him and then moved as close as I could, “Well, I’m not as patient as you,” I whispered, kissing his ear. I felt his breath catch in response. “I was thinking Vegas.”

  He jerked back and stared at me is disbelief. “Are you serious?”

  “You’re not planning on changing your mind are you?” I asked with my eyebrow raised, my mischievous grin already consuming my face.

  “Not in a million years,” he assured me before picking me up and spinning me around. I felt the laughter echo through my entire body as we collapsed on the floor. My wish had finally come true. The life I always wanted was here.


  I woke up with a smile on my face. Grant was still sleeping peacefully next to me, and I took in his flawless face. I glanced at the gold band adorning his finger and sat in amazement that this wonderful man would be mine for the rest of my life.

  We had said our vows on a beach in the Virgin Islands right as the sun began to set. It was fitting to marry on the beach since that’s where it had all started for us.

  I thought of our first night together and blushed. I never understood why Parker and Avery wanted to wait, but now I did. Everything about the night had been beautiful. There was no insecurity in his touch. We were one flesh under God and able to express that love to each other without regret or fear. I softly kissed my sweet husband before dawning my robe.

  The smell of salt water assaulted me as I stood on the balcony holding Grant’s phone in my hand. I still hadn’t called Jake. It had been three days since Grant found me, and I didn’t know why I was waiting. I took a deep breath and sent him a text.

  Me: This is Issy. When I call, please pick up.

  Jake picked up on the first ring. “He found you,” he cried, his voice shaking. “I’ve been going out of my mind, Issy!”

  Then he started ranting. First at me for not calling him, then at Grant for not telling him right away that he found me. Finally, he started cursing my father and threatening to hurt him even more. Once he finally calmed down, he asked, “Where are you? I’m coming to get you.”

  I let out a sigh, not sure why I felt so nervous. “I’m in the Caribbean, Jake. Grant and I got married last night.”

  There was silence on the other end until I heard an echoing click.

  “Jake?” I asked, but it was too late. The line was already dead.


  I hope you enjoyed Issy and Grant’s story. Please take a moment to leave a review on Amazon.

  To see how it all began, check out the first book in the Winsor Series, Shattered Rose. Available now on Amazon.

  The final book in the series is Jake’s story, coming early 2014.

  I’d love to hear from all of you. Connect with me on Facebook to hear all about my upcoming projects:

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  T.L. Gray is a freelance writer who also serves as a pastor’s wife in Ennis, Texas. It was her desire to see young girls know and experience Christ’s unconditional love that led her to write her debut novel, Shattered Rose. She strongly believes that sometimes the greatest stories are told from the heart of those who have lived them. T.L. Gray is currently working on Book 3 in the Winsor Series which is set for release in early 2014.

  Table of Contents





  1. Memories

  2. awakening

  3. Phone priviledges

  4. First Kiss

  5. the bomb

  6. western carolina university

  7. party central

  8. road trip

  9. what a mess

  10. Varsity club

  11. business marketing

  12. Robbie

  13. too much affection

  14. just friends

  15. robert marsh

  16. power couple

  17. the blackout

  18. the new jake

  19. Declarations

  20. Daddy, what have you done?

  21. to be

  22. the illusion of hope

  23. the letter

  24. Desperation

  25. my sanctuary

  26. The dance

  27. no more running
